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Company Data in Enin

The corporate data we provide is invaluable to clients across various industries and for a wide range of purposes.

Whether you work in finance, law, insurance, or another sector that requires precise and up-to-date information, we can offer the insights you need. In the Enin application, you gain a comprehensive overview of all relevant company information, presented in a systematic and user-friendly way.

Our extensive data universe combines information from public sources with our own advanced calculations—all consolidated in one place to give you the most complete and reliable data platform on the market.

Risk Score

Our proprietary machine learning model estimates the likelihood of a company going bankrupt within the next twelve months. The model is continuously updated, and you have access to the historical development of bankruptcy probability.

Company Flags

Company flags are based on information from a universe of sources and warn of everything from ongoing lawsuits and downsizing to changes in financial statements, management, or ownership.

Network risk

To find fraud or money-laundering risk, our network risk model analyzes companies and individuals associated with the target company, then assigns a risk score based on their individual and collective risk profiles. This allows you to assess risk in an innovative way.

Person flags

Person flags are there to warn you if an individual has previously been involved in high-risk events. This could include being the CEO or board member of a company that went bankrupt, for example.


You get a visual and navigable overview of the corporate structure, along with a list of direct owners, beneficial owners, and ultimate owners.

Collateral and mortgaged movable property (Løsøre)

Get a complete overview of all registered pledges and assets tied to the company. With Enin’s real estate package, you also gain access to property encumbrances for individuals.

Payment remarks

For customers with concession, we offer full visibility into payment remarks registered against the company. New remarks can also be notified via email.

Financial Statements

Historical financial overview for Scandinavian companies, including key figures, export to Excel, access to original financial statements, and auditor remarks that may indicate payment issues.


Enin's event overview provides you with a chronological view of news articles, court proceedings, and announcements from the Brønnøysund Register Centre and Doffin. You also have access to bypass any paywall, ensuring you don't miss even a local newspaper article about the company.

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Monitoring and events

Enin offers an easy-to-navigate, comprehensive overview of relevant events, such as announcements, legal proceedings, ownership changes, tenders, news articles, and more. You can also enable notifications to stay informed of important changes.

Customizable Monitoring

With customizable monitoring, you can choose to receive alerts only for specific events or categories. For instance, you might only want to be informed of management changes, while ignoring legal proceedings.

Smart Monitoring

With smart, intuitive monitoring, you’ll receive alerts for events that Enin has identified as particularly significant to you. Our machine learning model ensures each event is prioritized by its relevance to your specific interests.

Segmentation and data extraction in the Company Browser

The Company Browser allows you to quickly segment large sets of companies based on various filters, providing an overview or enabling you to download relevant information.

The tool is especially useful for credit checks, where you can evaluate entire portfolios in a short amount of time. For example, you can easily select companies from a portfolio and view their current risk levels, key risk flags, and relevant financial ratios.

Other use cases include gaining insights into the competitive landscape within specific industries by generating a list of comparable companies. The criteria for such lists can include financial figures, purpose, geography, NACE code, number of employees, and much more.

This is why customers choose us



After testing for a few months, Eika can conclude that Enin web portal will make the onboarding of new customers a lot more efficent, especially KYC processes.

BN Bank


Enin enables us to increase and improve the quality of our credit process, says Sindre Ljostad Trana, Senior Business Controller

Jæren sparebank

The solution from Enin is a lot more user-friendly than what we have used before. We use it, amongst other things, to clean and enhance our portfolio, monitoring, examination of customers and prospects, as well as looking in to company structures.- Frode Flesjå, bank manager Corporate market in Jæren Sparebank.

FSN Capital

The data from Enin will give my team super powers. - Christopher Conradi, Chief Digital Officer

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